Wash the Word from Your Mouths


Don’t you dare speak of our fallen heroes,
For they’re equally guilty to you.
As you fiddle away just like Nero,
Know their blood sticks to your hands, too.

So wash the word from your mouths, liberal traitors,
The Resistance is not yours to sell.
It will never belong to red-baiters,
Either join us, or go straight to hell.
The resistance, let there be no error,
Will be found in the fields and the streets,
Raining blows down on fash and state terror,
Not retweeting some shite from Joy Reid.

While you fawn over Hillary Clinton
And the rest of those ruling-class pricks,
We will stand by Miguel and Durruti,
by Assata Shakur and Hirsh Glik.


Where were you when the fascists descended
With their torches and guns out for blood?
You weren’t standing with those who defended,
Whose good names you still drag through the mud.


You are nothing but collaborators,
As your words and your actions have shown,
We’ll not let you usurp credit later
For the victories that we’ve won alone.


Oh, please, spare us your lectures on violence
When you’ve brought the world nothing but war.
It’s past time you graced us with your silence,
For the working class now has the floor.